Datum en tijd wedstrijd | Thuis team | lat | thuis_ploeg_id | lon | stats | cmp_nr | Uit team | Score thuis | Score uit | org_id | thuis_club_id | loc_plaats | uit_club_id | uit_ploeg_id | nr | loc_naam | loc_id | cmp_id | id |
13-09-2024 21:00 | Amical MSE 1 | 52.2066775 | 1.790 | 6.8998795 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 86 | 75 | 9 | 125 | Enschede | 155 | 1.968 | 9.669 | Diekmanhal | 358 | 4.180 | 1.010.846 |
21-09-2024 18:30 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Be Quick '28 MSE 1 | 73 | 46 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 138 | 1.875 | 9.541 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.856 |
05-10-2024 20:30 | Twente Buzzards MSE 1 | 52.2849336 | 1.826 | 6.8287873 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 62 | 96 | 9 | 131 | Hengelo ov | 155 | 1.968 | 10.108 | Hasseleres | 366 | 4.180 | 1.010.864 |
12-10-2024 18:00 | Basketiers '71 MSE 1 | 51.9361524 | 1.769 | 6.0560495 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 66 | 72 | 9 | 133 | Zevenaar | 155 | 1.968 | 9.379 | Heerenmaten | 367 | 4.180 | 1.010.868 |
19-10-2024 16:45 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | SBA Sphinx MSE 1 | 73 | 47 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 184 | 2.105 | 9.910 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.871 |
08-11-2024 20:45 | LB-ZAC MSE 1 | 52.5209316 | 2.195 | 6.1240897 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 80 | 82 | 9 | 198 | Zwolle | 155 | 1.968 | 9.513 | Topsporthal Centre Court | 1.068 | 4.180 | 1.010.876 |
16-11-2024 18:30 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Rebound '73 MSE 1 | 87 | 78 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 179 | 1.787 | 10.008 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.885 |
23-11-2024 15:00 | Uitsmijters MSE 2 | 52.3383886 | 2.143 | 6.6485441 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 73 | 56 | 9 | 191 | Almelo | 155 | 1.968 | 9.284 | IISPA Breedtesporthal | 1.065 | 4.180 | 1.010.888 |
30-11-2024 20:15 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | WSV MSE 1 | 78 | 71 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 135 | 1.770 | 9.167 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.899 |
07-12-2024 16:00 | Arnhem Eagles MSE 3 | 51.9528729 | 1.798 | 5.8476094 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 74 | 78 | 9 | 127 | Arnhem | 155 | 1.968 | 9.683 | MFC de Omnibus | 1.162 | 4.180 | 1.010.902 |
14-12-2024 15:15 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Nimma Gemina MSE 1 | 111 | 40 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 1.046 | 13.418 | 9.336 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.909 |
11-01-2025 16:30 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Amical MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 125 | 1.790 | 9.729 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.917 |
18-01-2025 20:00 | Be Quick '28 MSE 1 | 52.4884836 | 1.875 | 6.1177817 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 138 | Zwolle | 155 | 1.968 | 9.299 | Gerenlanden | 365 | 4.180 | 1.010.921 |
25-01-2025 14:15 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Twente Buzzards MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 131 | 1.826 | 9.730 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.928 |
01-02-2025 15:00 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Basketiers '71 MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 133 | 1.769 | 9.446 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.931 |
07-02-2025 21:00 | SBA Sphinx MSE 1 | 51.9817701 | 2.105 | 5.6687175 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 184 | Wageningen | 155 | 1.968 | 9.905 | De Bongerd | 330 | 4.180 | 1.010.937 |
15-02-2025 15:15 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | LB-ZAC MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 198 | 2.195 | 9.224 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.944 |
15-03-2025 19:45 | Rebound '73 MSE 1 | 52.3424407 | 1.787 | 5.6270836 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 179 | Harderwijk | 155 | 1.968 | 9.333 | sporthal De Sypel | 899 | 4.180 | 1.010.951 |
22-03-2025 16:15 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Uitsmijters MSE 2 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 191 | 2.143 | 10.047 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.957 |
29-03-2025 20:00 | WSV MSE 1 | 52.2108602 | 1.770 | 5.9947537 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 135 | Apeldoorn | 155 | 1.968 | 9.723 | WSV Sporthal | 951 | 4.180 | 1.010.965 |
05-04-2025 18:30 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 52.1269903 | 1.968 | 6.2390894 | 0 | 9.588 | Arnhem Eagles MSE 3 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 155 | Zutphen | 127 | 1.798 | 9.763 | De Mene | 891 | 4.180 | 1.010.969 |
13-04-2025 13:00 | Nimma Gemina MSE 1 | 13.418 | 0 | 9.588 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 1.046 | Nijmegen | 155 | 1.968 | 9.595 | Ark van Oost | 1.244 | 4.180 | 1.010.976 |
ID | Rang | Logo | Team | Gespeeld | Punten | Voor | Tegen | Saldo | positie | status | percentage | clb_id | datum | team |
1.968 | 1 | Hanze Stars MSE 1 | 18 | 34 | 1398 | 919 | 479 | 1 | Actief | 94.4 | 155 | 22-04-2024 | Hanze Stars Mannen Senioren 1 | |
1.984 | 2 | B.V. Isala MSE 1 | 18 | 30 | 1465 | 1120 | 345 | 2 | Actief | 83.3 | 158 | 01-05-2024 | B.V. Isala Mannen Senioren 1 | |
1.786 | 3 | Volic MSE 1 | 18 | 26 | 1125 | 903 | 222 | 3 | Actief | 72.2 | 195 | 20-04-2024 | Volic Mannen Senioren 1 | |
2.079 | 4 | Rebound '73 MSE 2 | 18 | 22 | 1327 | 1128 | 199 | 4 | Actief | 61.1 | 179 | 20-04-2024 | Rebound '73 Mannen Senioren 2 | |
1.787 | 5 | Rebound '73 MSE 1 | 18 | 20 | 1234 | 1073 | 161 | 5 | Actief | 55.6 | 179 | 20-04-2024 | Rebound '73 Mannen Senioren 1 | |
1.926 | 6 | Lay Back Kampen MSE 1 | 18 | 14 | 1097 | 1207 | -110 | 6 | Actief | 38.9 | 146 | 06-04-2024 | Lay Back Kampen Mannen Senioren 1 | |
2.091 | 7 | Risne Stars MSE 1 | 18 | 14 | 1102 | 1186 | -84 | 7 | Actief | 38.9 | 181 | 20-04-2024 | Risne Stars Mannen Senioren 1 | |
5.910 | 8 | V.U.A.S. MSE 1 | 18 | 12 | 1011 | 1300 | -289 | 8 | Actief | 33.3 | 196 | 01-05-2024 | V.U.A.S. Mannen Senioren 1 | |
11.564 | 9 | SV Twello MSE 1 | 18 | 4 | 850 | 1158 | -308 | 9 | Actief | 11.1 | 526 | 22-04-2024 | SV Twello Mannen Senioren 1 | |
4.940 | 10 | Tower Jumpers MSE 2 | 18 | -2 | 882 | 1497 | -615 | 10 | Actief | -5.6 | 188 | 13-04-2024 | Tower Jumpers Mannen Senioren 2 |